Paxton’s 2nd “First Snow”

   This is post 2 for today, don’t forget to head back and check out Hearty Vegetable Hamburger Soup.

  So, we got our first snow of the season the Tuesday before Christmas.  It was not nearly as much as predicted, but we had a semi-White Christmas none-the-less.  {When I say “semi-white”, I mean there are a few patches left under shade trees. We left church Christmas morning with no coats, it was such a nice day!} 


The kiddos thought it was really cool to go out on the screened in porch and write in it.


  This all reminded me of last year, when Paxton was almost 5 months old. I blogged his first snow experience here, when we plopped him down in the snow for the first time, camera ready to capture his reaction.

   Let me just go ahead and recap it for you.  It went something like this:

What in the world?


This big new World I am in has been strange so far, but this really takes the cake…..

Yeah, pretty sure I don’t like it.

Wait, what is this HORRIBLE stuff clinging to my hands?!?!?!?!


Now, I reallyreally don’t like it!  Get it off!  GET IT OFF!


I want my MOMMY…….


  At this point, he got so mad, he fell over: Things really went down hill after that!

  {Naturally, since he is my 4th, I got like 6 more photos of him bawling before rescuing him from his snowy demise…..}



AWWWW, my sweet little snow angel……


    So anyhow, back to this year:  I’ll have to wait for more snowfall to take Pax out and photograph this years reaction.  Like I said earlier, we only got a trace rather than the BLIZZARD being predicted,(darn) BUT, I did capture his reaction from the window, when I showed him the snow the next morning.

  One of my favorite things about parenting HAS to be seeing things anew through a child’s eyes.  There is just nothing like it!  🙂

Hmmm, something seems different today…..


It’s kinda brighter, is that it?


No buddy, that’s called Snow.



Look Momma! SNOW!  I SEE IT, I SEE IT!

(It sounded more like ‘Uh uh uh uh, pffft”, but I knew what he meant….)


Do we like snow, Momma?


Let’s go play outside in it soon, ok Mom?


Sure hope it’s more fun than last year…..



Ah, my Sweet little Tank, how your first year has flown!!!!!

I sure do love you bunches!
