Spinach Lasagna Bake

  Welcome to Post 2 for today.  Post 1 was all about Paxton’s First Haircut, a real nail biter for sure! Ok, not really, but still, head back one post to check it out!  🙂

I was skeptical of this bake being anything amazing…Boy, was I wrong!  We LOVED it!  To quote Dale: “Yup, it’s a keeper!”   If you know Dale, he is a man of few words when it comes to food, this simple phrase ACTUALLY means:
Oh wow! This is fantastic!  Yum. This is great, and I don’t even LIKE Italian food!  Pass the Lasagna please…..

Spinach Lasagna Bake



  • 1 pound Ground Pork
  • 1 pound Ground Beef
  • 1 whole Large White Onion
  • 4 cloves Garlic
  • 2 cans 15-ounces Tomato Sauce
  • 1 can 6 Oz Tomato Paste
  • 1 package Sliced Mushrooms
  • 2 Tablespoons Butter
  • 1 cup Grape Tomatoes, Halved
  • 1 teaspoon Rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon Basil
  • ½ teaspoons Oregano
  • 1 teaspoon Italian Seasoning
  • 1 teaspoon Garlic Powder
  • ½ teaspoons Black Pepper
  • 2 teaspoons Salt
  • 1 cup Red Wine, Chicken Broth Or Apple Juice
  • ½ cups Water
  • 16 ounces, weight Of Your Favorite Noodle, Like Penne, Bow Tie, Rotini Etc.
  • 9 ounces, weight Bag Of Fresh Spinach
  • 4 cups Sour Cream
  • 2 cups Grate Parmesan Cheese
  • 2 cups Italian Blend Cheese Or Mozzarella

Sautee sliced mushrooms in butter, set aside. Wash and halve grape tomatoes.
In an extra large family skillet, cook ground beef and pork with garlic and chopped onions. Once the meat is browned and fully cooked, drain well. Add the tomato sauces, paste, sautéed mushrooms and tomato halves to the meat mixture. Next add the liquids; wine/chicken broth/apple juice and water. Simmer.
Cook and drain noodles. Add to meat sauce.

This recipe will fill 2 9×13 baking dishes, so you can freeze the second or share with a friend! Visually divide meat/pasta mixture into fourths, place a layer of meat and pasta in the bottom of each dish, followed by 1 cup of sour cream each. Divide spinach into fourths and place 1/4 on top of the sour cream layer, followed by 1 cup of the listed cheeses mixed. Repeat layers again, 1/4 pasta mixture in each, followed by 1 cup sour cream each, remaining spinach divided and the rest of the cheese on top of both.

Bake 350* for 35 minutes.

You will not BELIEVE how amazingly flavorful this dish is.  Like Dale said, it’s a keeper!

  I’ve had several of you ask, do I really cook all these different dishes? Yup. When Dale and I were first married, we cooked together after work and didn’t repeat a recipe for 6 months.  From this, I grew to LOVE new recipes and the hunt to find, try and share them, I have kept it up ever since.  I have 5 binders just full of recipes that I have typed out from old family recipe boxes, or emailed recipes from friends.  This doesn’t count the 300+ recipes in the “To Try” pile currently living inside my desk!! All these new dishes sure make my kids well-rounded eaters, that’s for sure!!! 🙂   Everything you see has been made in my kitchen and photographed there or on my picnic table.  All the recipes I share here on 4 little Ferguson’s are our “Keepers”, the nasty ones get thrown in the trash and the photos deleted.  OH YES, and let me make sure to say, that if I personally get a recipe from a fellow bloggers site, I am SURE to give credit where credit is due!  🙂

Enjoy this yummy supper!


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Paxton’s 1st Haircut

Why is it, that we mom’s put off that first haircut so long? Is it really THAT big of an occasion in the lives of our children?  Does it really make them seem older to get a trim?  Maybe.  Guess the more kids you have, the less important this sorta thing is, because rather than put if off as long as possible, I just did it.

  Trimming the girls’ bangs didn’t seem like that big of a deal, and Ty had no hair at a year, so I didn’t have to worry about his until all his mess of curls sprung up closer to 2.  Dale had a FIT that I wouldn’t cut it.  It was just too stinkin’ cute!

Ty, age 1

Ty, age 2021


Ty, age 3

But Paxton was growing a mullet at age 1, and enough was enough! It was time for a hair cut!

Paxton August, 2001, at his 1st birthday party.

1st bday 3

  He was less than trilled by the idea at first….but soon figured out he wasn’t going anywhere till mom got the job done!




And yes, the curls are STILL there!   🙂


  This first haircut is another “Last First” at the Ferguson house, but you know what, I am ok with it! 

You know what they say, When you know you are “done”…..

You just KNOW!


Head over to Post 2 today for a delicious Spinach Lasagna Bake!