Sometimes Moments

  Motherhood is full of “Sometimes Moments”….  

   Little one,

  I get tired and weary of the lists in my head, and the jobs that weigh on my shoulders, and I don’t always give you the best of me.

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  This is a sad reality to face, because there is nothing I love more than to serve you, teach you and instruct you.  I love to see your eyes shine with joy when you do a job right, and are praised, or to hear your giggles from the other room, as I prep supper for our family.

  Someday I am going to be gone.  Hopefully not for a long, long time.  Someday you will tell your children and grandchildren, stories from your childhood.  And oh man, do I hope you have GREAT stories to tell!

   See, Motherhood is full of “Sometimes Moments”:

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  Sometimes I can’t relax reading books to you, because my To Do list is running through my head, so I stop after 3 stories.

Sometimes I even skip pages or paragraphs, and I am sorry for that.   

  Sometimes I surprise you with a huge stack of books, and read to you ALL of lunch time while you eat.  I love to look around the table and see you all experiencing the book in such a real way. {to the point that I have to remind you to EAT!}

  Sometimes I answer harshly, and I see your eyes flinch.  These moments haunt me at night when I lie in bed and process the day. I want to rewind and answer softly, because I love you so much.

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  Sometimes, I remember to kneel down next to you and softly correct, pointing you back to a Savior that loves you so so much more than I could ever offer, even at my best.

  Sometimes when you ask for fresh water and ice in your night time cup, I sigh and make my irritation known without words, even though I tell you to serve others joyfully!   

  Sometimes I answer “Sure, sweetie!” And even put a drop of peppermint oil, or the chlorophyll you like so much, inside.  I love to treat you to the little things that mean so much.  

  Sometimes you ask to wear a certain dress to the store, and I roll my eyes and point to your room and say, “Go put on your pink leggings NOW,” even though it wouldn’t be the end of the world to let you wear that dress everyday.

  Sometimes I let you wear your favorite pink & black dress up high heels to run errands.  I love how proud you are to be “a fancy lady”.

Sometimes I get so frustrated at you for coming in head to toe covered in dirt.  I tell you to get into that laundry room, strip down and wash up in a mad voice.  

 Sometimes, I giggle and put my feet in the mud puddle you discovered, so we can talk about how good it feels to squish it between our toes.

  Sometimes, you wait outside on the trampoline for me to come jump with you while I finish up a phone call.  But, instead of cutting them short, and making you the priority, I stay on the phone and suddenly it’s supper time and daddy is home, so I call you inside instead.  I am sorry for that.

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  Sometimes I don’t answer that phone call, so that we can spend the time between after school and supper playing “Popcorn” on the trampoline, or just lying there, staring up at the clouds, talking.

  Sometimes I say ‘NO’ to something, just because No is often the quicker answer to come.

  Sometimes I say ‘YES’ and see your mouth drop open with surprise, and eyes light up with joy.  This makes me want to say Yes a whole lot more.

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  Sometimes I rush through family prayer time, because I have so many photos to edit, and a blog post to finish, or an article to turn in.  I know you can tell the difference, and I so want to show you with my actions, that prayer time is a priority.  That the quiet at the end of the day with you is worth savoring.

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  Sometimes, I rub your back, sing you a song, read your Bible Story, AND library books.  You get so excited about that, like it’s Christmas!

  I love our nightly tradition of praying, all as a family, taking turns going around the room.  It blesses me to hear you talk to your Father in Heaven, and tell Him about your day, your dreams and hearts desires for your future life.

  Sometimes I want the World to STOP, so I can have you all to myself without distractions.  No phone calls, no homework, no errands to run, no school committee meetings, no deadlines….just Family.

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Just together.

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  Shutting the gate to the World and just existing.  Slowing life down to a snails pace, so that I can be to you who I want to be. So that we can savor these years together that we are all under one roof.

  “Sometimes Moments” come each and every day, and I have a choice to make each and every time……..

And you know what?

  I choose you, little one.

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  You make my heart swell with love and joy.

  I choose to make all my “Sometimes Moments” count with you……

  Because just like we sing at night, “My Heart Says, I LOVE YOU…..”

All my love,


Being Thankful FIRST……

   Every year we host a Fall Bonfire Party for our Sunday school class.  Our class is growing, and with that blessing, comes the trouble of finding a place to host 50 of us.  We are officially outnumbered, 2o adults and close to 30 kids when we are together!!!! 🙂  This year we invited the Young Married Class down the hall to join us, what a fun bunch!

  I was sad to realize, that I didn’t get very many photos, too dark and too busy playing hostess I guess, but here are a few… (Drea, I used a few of yours too)


Notice that there very aren’t many of Ty above?  That is because he was out in the side yard PACING, waiting for his preschool teacher to show up.  (She is a great family friend and part of our class.)  The rest of his evening was spent GLUED to her side! He asked permission to go play a bit at one point, but came right back.  He seemed to feel very responsible for her well-being, even asking her how her husband was doing at home these days. LOL 🙂  My little stud muffin!


The shed


To the friend who left a bag FULL of goodies left on our kitchen counter!  What a blessing to have those needs met!  THANK YOU!!!!!


    Soooo, on to the next subject at hand:

Does it drive anyone else crazy that there are Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas signs going up everywhere already? 

Can’t we just be THANKFUL first???????

  Waiting for christmas

  Can’t we just enjoy our pumpkin recipes, fall décor and Thanksgiving feasts?  I mean don’t get me wrong, day after Thanksgiving, I’m putting the Christmas tree up with the best of them, but it just seems that since Thanksgiving isn’t the major money-maker that Christmas is, it gets skipped in the stores between the hype of Halloween with it’s expensive candy, and next…..Christmas sales, long lines and mad dashes to get “the best deal”. 

  Kinda disappointing, but a true sign of the times to be sure: 

More Greedy Gimmies & sales quotas, less quiet thanksgiving as we count the blessing we already have, rather than making the list of things we want.

  If this year of financial discipline has taught me anything, it’s to be content with the things I have, and be oh-so grateful for the things we are blessed to receive. 

  Ok, stepping off my soap box now to share a delicious cookie recipe from a 4 little Ferguson’s reader.  This is quite the hodge podge post today, isn’t it?!

  Diane says, “These are a new Fall favorite cookie at my house!  Let me warn you, they are addictive……you can’t stop at just one!Bursting with flavor and your house smells AMAZING from start to finish, these cookies are a must try, and a keeper in my kitchen.”

  Thanks for the recipe, Diane!  I agree with her above statements, I made these for a school function, and they are seriously delicious!!   I LOVED how soft and chewy they were!!!!

  Pumpkin Gingersnap Cookies



  • ½ cups Butter, Room Temperature
  • 1 cup Sugar, Plus More For Rolling Cookies
  • ½ cups Pumpkin
  • ¼ cups Molasses
  • 1 whole Egg
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 2-⅓ cups Flour
  • 2 teaspoons Baking Soda
  • 2 teaspoons Cinnamon
  • 1-½ teaspoon Ground Ginger
  • 1 teaspoon Cloves
  • ½ teaspoons Salt

1. In the bowl of a stand mixer, beat the butter and sugar together until creamy and smooth. Add the pumpkin, molasses, egg, and vanilla extract, mix until well combined.

2. In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, spices, and salt. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and mix until combined. Refrigerate the cookie dough for at least 1 hour. The dough can be chilled for 2-3 days.

3. When you are ready to bake, preheat oven to 350° F. Place sugar in a small bowl. Roll tablespoon-sized balls of dough in sugar until well coated and place on prepared baking sheet, about 2 inches apart. Bake for 10–12 minutes, or until cookies look cracked and set at the edges. The cookies will still be soft. Let the cookies cool on the baking sheet for a 2-3 minutes after removing them from the oven, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.  YUM!

Enjoy these cookies, and please, take time to enjoy this time of year and BE THANKFUL!!!!!!!!!!  Not looking forward, not looking back, just here today.

  I am thankful for this time of year, a warm home, for yummy fall goodies, thankful for my family and faith in a God who loves me and calls me by name, and thankful for you coming to see me each day!  🙂

“If you only had today, the things you said “Thank you” for yesterday, what would you have left?”


P.S.  I have a VERY special treat for you tomorrow!  A guest is coming to see us for the next 3 days, and she is showing us the Art of Freezer Cooking!  Remember my Cousin, Cassie from Laugher and Lattes?  She was my very first guest post, so this will be the 2nd “Cousin Feature Post” here at 4 little Ferguson’s with another Cousin of mine, Christy! 

What can I say, I have COOL cousins!!!  🙂 

Julie, are you up next?!?!?!