World’s Shortest Fairy Tale


Once upon a time, a guy asked a girl

“Will you marry me?”

The girl said, “No”. 

And she lived happily ever after

and went shopping, dancing,

always had a clean house, 

never had to cook,

stayed skinny and farted whenever she wanted.



BAHAHAHA!  This Fairy Tale had me in hysterics when I first read it!!!!!!!!  I couldn’t resist sharing it with you today!

“THIS is my Happily Ever After?” ~Snow White


  I always tell Dale I’d chose “Real” with him than “Happily Ever After” with anyone else!  🙂

Hope this brought a smile to your face like it did mine……click next to see today’s “Real” post.  A yummy family favorite!

~T  🙂

4 thoughts on “World’s Shortest Fairy Tale

  1. Isn’t this just the truth…..thanks for starting the day with a laugh. I’m babysitting my 16month old grandson because he’s been sick. So I’m back to having a cranky, runny nose baby that doesn’t know what he wants. But also one that wants to snuggle with grandma and I’ll take that any day.

  2. Pingback: pinko wins again « gimcrack hospital (PG)

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