4 little Fergusons, 2200 miles & A Georgia Wedding: Part 2

It was wedding day when I left you yesterday, and I had 40 minutes to get ALL six of us spiffed up, dressed and ready to go!

Super Auntie Lauren to the rescue!  🙂


She popped over from her room next door, and took one girl at a time to braid their hair, while I got the rest of us dressed. Praise the Lord for her amazing braiding skills, I was hoping for a good hour to experiment with the girls’ hair and I am just not a good braider yet. {But I did learn a basic French Braid, FINALLY!}

Here are the end results, she did this gorgeous angled braid that led into a braided bun.  BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thanks, Auntie Lauren!

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The wedding was at the Military base, so we had to go through security with a photo id check to even get in. See that picture, above collage, top middle?  It is a photo of a HUGE cemetery of all the fallen soldiers from that particular fort.  May we always remember, our freedom is never free.  God bless them.

We got to the church at 2 for pics, the wedding started at 4.  Thankfully Dale was amazing and had all the kids eat and nap while I was gone, so they were happy and ready to take photos.


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There is nothing more special to me, then seeing two lives joined as one, God’s way.  Aaron and Ashley are an amazing example of True Love Waits, and it was such a blessing to be a part of their beautiful day as they made a lifelong covenant before Christ and a church full of family and friends, to die to self, and become one flesh.

Check out the tearful groom, and his PROUD smile when he sees her! LOVE IT!

Blog Collage 25Guess who walked down the aisle without a moments pause or hint of hesitation?  Yup, Pax!

  I didn’t even have to use the fruit snacks to try to bribe him to come towards me.  He picked up his side of the sign and trucked down the aisle like he had planned it that way all along.

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While everyone else was doing the group photos, I grabbed Chad and Lauren for a quick family picture.  Aren’t they PRECIOUS?

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After that, we headed to the reception:

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Look at my sweet girls, bottom right picture below, watching the happy couple and dreaming of their own special day!

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My little dancers…..

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We danced, laughed and had so much fun, but alas, it was time to head back to the hotel to pack and prepare for a long drive home.  As I mentioned yesterday, the kids did great, and we didn’t get out the final activity until an hour from home.  Success!

It was a great trip! We will venture cross-country in our car again, SOMEDAY.


11 thoughts on “4 little Fergusons, 2200 miles & A Georgia Wedding: Part 2

  1. Oh how I love weddings…and oh how I love military weddings even more! VERY special photos…I almost cried too (was that the groom with his fingers covering his eyes?? HOW precious!). So so sweet. The girls hairdos were gorgeous!!!! Your boys were strutting their handsome-ness too. The collages you shared are truly amazing.

    • YES, that was the tearful groom! It was incredible! I wish I didn’t have to do collages, but wordpress is making me pay because of the amount of photos I share. I had to buy more “space”, so now blogging is costing me money. Oh well, I told the Lord I would do this for Him, so He will continue to provide! 🙂

  2. I loved seeing the wedding. Derek was in a military wedding in the Spring….he wore a sailor suit….it was a Coast Guard wedding. He wasn’t two yet and he did the same thing at rehearsal, laid down in the aisle and cried….Sarah didn’t know if he would cooperate or not. But come the day of the wedding he was all about it…..in fact, he was ready to take another turn around the church so everyone could see him again. You have such a beautiful family…..extended and it is so fun to watch your kids growing right before our eyes. I feel as though I know their little personalities just a little big. Thanks for sharing with us. Are you cooking at your house tomorrow?

    • Oh yes, I will be working away! Just the few things I was assigned, Double Sensation Pumpkin Pie and THE Salad. Dale’s family would eat me alive if I didn’t make that salad, I will share it soon. I have to make it at Thanksgiving and Christmas every single year! Dale’s side is so big, my salad base is 30 cups of lettuce if that tells you anything! 🙂

  3. What beautiful pictures you take! The church was just amazing!!!!
    My sister is married to a soldier.He spent all last year in Iraq. We are so happy to have him home. They were just here for a visit this past week. How we love having them over to visit. I miss them so much. They are now living in Colorado Springs. I am hopping to be able to go and see them sometime soon.:)
    Thanks for sharing your pics and trip with us, Oh, and I loved your family pic with your brother. So sweet to see you all together.:)

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