Community Helper Week & A Chickee Hut

We have been busy builders around here, first helping Destiny with her Chickee Hut, then Tylan with his church building.  It was Community Helper Week in Kindergarten, and Friday was ”What I Want To Be When I Grow Up” day.  He wanted to be an Insurance Agent just like Daddy.  {awwww!}

Community Helper Collage

Now, Destiny wants to tell you about her Indian Report and Chickee Hut:

Hi, it’s Destiny.  I haven’t gotten to do a blog post FOREVER.  Here is the last one, Pax was just a baby back then!!!!

Mom said I can do one like that again soon, but for today, I want to tell you about this Chickee Hut daddy, mommy and I made for school.

Daddy did the posts for the house, and I helped him with the roof.  Mommy helped me the most with the accessories, like the fire and meat, and the people’s clothes.  Her favorite part was the palm trees with pretzel rod trunks, don’t tell her I said this, but she said she was a genius.  It made me giggle.

My favorite part is the alligator sneaking up on the dad Indian, and the baby turtle hiding in the bushes!

Here are some photos of my Chickee Hut:

Collage 1IMG_0966Collage 2IMG_0976IMG_0985

The Seminole Indians are from Florida.  Their house is on stilts because it will help keep the alligators, snakes, turtles and other swamp animals out.  They don’t have walls because its warm climate, but when it rained, they rolled down tarps to keep the rain out.

The wives did the harvesting and cooking. They used to hang their babies in swings from the rafters to keep them happy while they cook supper.  They harvested beans, corn and squash.  The men did fishing, and hunting animals like alligators, snakes, deer, and rabbits.

Story telling is VERY important to these Indians.


Bye! Destiny