A Weekend Without Daddy

  My hubby was gone all weekend to a Men’s Encounter.  It went faster than I imagined and the kids did great!  Only fighting over who got to have a Slumber Party in the big bed with Momma first.  I even got them all ready for church on time all by myself, thankyouverymuch.  (If you know me, you know I am notoriously 10 minutes late, and that’s WITH Dale’s help.) 

  Funny, I usually hate when he leaves, but this time I knew we’d all benefit from letting him go get re-charged and rejuvenated.


Encounter weekend is an opportunity to connect with other guys just like you and to spend some time in self-examination to see where you are in your walk with God. Over the weekend, we look at 14 areas of our lives to discover specifically how God wants to use us. We will experience worship, testimonies, teaching and ministry times.

It is for freedom that Christ has set you free! Gal. 5:1

  The kids and I enjoyed a fun weekend at home and had a special Saturday date with Nana. 






Paxton got to taste his first ice cream thanks to Nana.

She wants to know how you can say “No” to a face like this?

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You can Nana, trust me, I do it ALL DAY LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  🙂


Hmmm. What is it?


Whatever it is sure is COLD!


Oh PLEASE can I have more, Nana?


The final bite.  (Momma cut him off.)


He spent the rest of the time begging, like a puppy to Nana.  She stayed strong and told him NO.


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Good to the last drop!

  We went to the library for new books. I didn’t have my camera along in the library, but you have good imaginations, so picture me this……..

Nana sets down Paxton near our basket of books to help Avery get a book from a shelf near by.  When she returns, Paxton is standing, no, make that teetering on the edge of said basket, clinging to the book shelf and grinning up at us with the most PROUD look on his little sweet face!

I have NO idea what made him decide to climb up onto the book basket, or how he managed to balance on that thin edge (think basket like the ones you can carry around the grocery store when getting just a few items) without tipping the whole thing over.  Stinker!  He just grinned that sweet little wrinkle nose grin, oblivious to my shock and horror and what could have happened next.

Oh, I have a photo for you on this same topic:  Look where I found him tonight after I left for a SECOND during bedtime Bible story. 


Yes, that’s the bunk bed ladder. Yes, he was going for steps 4 and 5 when I chucked the camera to stop him.

Oh. My. Goodness.  This child is giving me grey hairs!

  Maybe Paxton’s long running “Tank” nickname should be changed to “Lil’ Monkey”? 


   By Sunday we were really missing Daddy, so that afternoon was spent making Welcome Home signs in anticipation of his homecoming. 


  With tears and a smile, he greeted us.  Oh how we missed him!  What a powerful weekend, what life changing moments as big, tough men, stepped on stage and could scarcely talk through their tears.  Dale had so much to share!  Man I love seeing grown men cry at the feet of Jesus, it’s a precious moment to share in.  As I sat there listening, tears in my eyes, I once again realized we are in a battle…..

A CONSTANT battle to keep our eyes on Jesus.  With satan working overtime throwing things at us left, right, left, right, chucking things under our feet to make us stumble.  Shrieking with glee when he succeeds.

We MUST keep our eyes on Jesus. 

We MUST not break our focus for a mere moment. 

We MUST not let anything divide our families.

Our packed calendars rob us of family down time, devotion time, prayer time….

Clear ‘em!!!!

Clear those calendars. Make family dinner a non-negotiable.

Nothing is more important than family.

No job more important then pointing your kids towards Jesus.

We MUST not let Social Media rob us of conversations during home time…. leave the cell phone on the charger in the laundry room when you walk in the door, the texts can wait.  Don’t answer the phone during dinner, if its important, they’ll leave you a message and you can call them later after the kids are down.  We MUST not let TV and Computer steal precious playtime moments…leave them off until nap/bedtime.  Wherever you are, be ALL there.  I am not preaching to you, I am preaching to ME! I needed to hear this!!!!!!!


Cause guess what satan says?

Every time you are not talking to your kids…..


When you are too busy?


When we don’t chose God every moment of every day, we automatically default to satan.  Think about that for a moment.

  I can tell you one thing, life is about to change around here…..

Bring it.


“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”   John 14:6



12 thoughts on “A Weekend Without Daddy

  1. your stories of paxton’s adventurous side remind me of wyatt at that age! he made me so nervous, i was sure we’d have a broken bone before he was age one. he was definitely ALL boy. paige-she was easy! you tell her no once, and it was done. not wyatt……he had exploring to do! worth every bit of it tho………;)

  2. Amen & Amen to the truths you stated here…technology robs us of soooo much time together. Love your adorable pictures, and how awesome for you realized you CAN get those kiddos ready without help! =) Exciting to think of what your hubby learned over the weekend too. Blessings to ya’ll!

  3. OMGsh…..That is what I have been saying for the last week. Wherever you are, be ALL there!!!!
    That is why we’re to have on our “armor of God” at all times!! Ephesians 6:10-18. We have a way of making ourselves sooo busy that we don’t even realize how much we are sucked into the “world”. Just wait until your children get a little older. It. is. so. hard. to keep your family first. Definitely worth fighting for, but difficult.
    Glad to hear your husband had a great weekend!! Love the pics!! Adorable!!!


  4. LoVe LoVe LoVe this post! Men`s Encounter is such an amAzIng tool for Men to get ReAL with ThEiR Father!!! Awesome girly!

  5. Well you know that we agree 150% on this issue in our family there is rarely anytime we are not spending time as a family. Infact sometimes I don’t feel guilty that my kids are doing to much, I feel quilty that I don’t let them do much of what they want apart from family like Gymnastics, Dance, ect…. We only have such a very very short time to have this close family time and then (hopefully with the blessings of long life and health from God) we will have many more years when we just wish the days of carefree evenings playing with the kids and spending quality time together that we just can’t get back!!!! FAMILY FIRST……. You had me at Hello!!!!

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