Weekend Fun

  Monday’s are always a bit hectic at the Ferguson household, more than usual when we’ve had a big weekend, which we did.  Now, when I say “big”, that means we had more than one thing to attend over the weekend.

   I know, I know, that may not seem like much to you, but when you have little ones to haul around, it can really take it out of them (and momma) to pack up and leave the house like that, sometimes missing naps (gasp!) or getting home and to bed late, in the process.  We try to limit our activities and use weekends to just play and relax at home as a family.


A busy weekend means mommy pays for it alll day Monday, with whiney, needy children, and an over-stimulated baby…….


  I actually can’t complain, they are playing nicely right now, but I am super tired! Maybe its just me who’s whiney and fussy?!  🙂


  My Friday was spent making pies, 5 pies to be exact.  They were to be donated to Central Christian School for the German Supper fundraiser.  Avery was a great helper!  Good thing I only signed up for 4 pies, cause Dale kept one of the Custard Pies at home for himself. That thing was NOT leaving the premises! 


  Overall, I’d say they turned out pretty darn good for only my 2nd attempt as a pie baker. (not counting pies with graham crackers crusts) I have a super easy, flaky & delicious, push crust recipe, that I used.  For those of you as intimidated as I am at the thought of making a pie crust from scratch, and rolling it out all nice, this crust is the answer to your problems! (Maybe I could try to put it on TK soon?)

  I only had one disaster, and it occurred when I poured the egg mixture for the Custard pie in the par-baked crust. My counters slope, and I was an idiot and set the just-from the-oven crust on the burner, rather than getting out a trivet and working at the center island.  It overflowed all over my stove top, and I mean ALL OVER, running down all the different burners and making all the knobs sticky. You know how flimsy those dumb disposable pie plates are, I spilled more trying to pick it up and move it off the stove.  All this with an exhausted baby bawling in the background to be fed and put to nap.  Not my finest hour to say the least!  I survived, and after we got the kiddos down, Dale and I had a nice popcorn, ice cream, stay-at-home movie date.

  Saturday began at 5:50 am.

Yes, you heard me, 5:50 to the minute. I know this because I groaned and said, “What TIME is it?”, while rolling over to consult my alarm clock. The grizzly bear I share a bed with just grunted.

  Can someone PUL-EASE teach our children what “Sleeping In” means? 

  Breakfast is not served before 7, so they know to play quietly until then.  When it is time to get up, this is the scene that greets us….PRECIOUS!


    We cranked up some oldies and jammed while we made breakfast.  “Lollipop” is always a favorite with the kids!


   A Saturday morning tradition at our house, is daddy making breakfast for the family. He makes a mean omelet and is the best pancake flipper around!


We were out of syrup, so we had to get inventive and just do powdered sugar and fruit.  The kids thought it was great that way!



  Avery promptly licked off all the sugar before declaring she was done. Yeah, we pretty much informed her otherwise. 🙂

Later, after the 2 middle’s went down for nap, Destiny, Nana and I headed to the school to drop off my pies, and help serve from 2:30-8. 


  Paxton came along, as is necessary, when baby still seeks nourishment from momma throughout the day.  I wore him in a front pouch and about fell over after a few hours of wearing him.


That’s over 18 lbs. of adorableness pulling my shoulders forward! Thankfully, after a nice snooze in there, some sweet ladies from church took their turn toting him around the gym, showing him off and giving my poor back a break. 

Here are a few photos I snapped before we got insanely busy:

 026This is the main course served, called Verenka. Totally a German/Mennonite thing! Think delicious fried dough pouches, surrounding “curds” (looks like ricotta cheese) and smothered in an amaaaazing ham gravy.  I don’t know how many thousands they made, but the line was long and they could barely keep up.  What a great problem to have!


These are New Year’s Cookies, something Central is famous for. The school has a booth that sells these at our State Fair each year.  Think donut with raisins, except BETTER! They made nearly 4,000 of them, and sold every single one.  I was bummed I didn’t get one!  Guess I’ll have to wait until September, when the State Fair comes to town!!

     A darling Polka Band entertained us with live music throughout the day, it was SO fun!  One of the gentleman told me they’d played together since 1970.


  We love Christian education and want to support our school however we can! I can’t wait until the year it’s possible for the whole family to help at this event.  I think they’ll love it, and what a valuable lesson in serving others, and in understanding that attending a Christian school is a privilege, one that comes with a high price tag!

So. Worth. It.


     During nap today, I’m working on some yummy recipes to share with you this week, so stay tuned!  🙂 

Happy Monday!

~T  Fergusons2  For my new readers,

   I wanted to give you heads up on how things work here at 4littlefergusons. I post every M-F at 8 am, because I am anal, and being scheduled and organized makes me happy.  🙂   (This may all change this summer when all 4 of my little Fergusons are home all day and we spend more time playing outside, but for now, that’s the plan.)  I typically write about what we are up to for the day, a recipe we tried and deemed a “keeper” the night before, or something I feel the Lord has laid on my heart to share with you.

   I hope you’ll keep coming back to visit, I love your comments and look forward to them! You bless me🙂 
